Fish Can't Fly National Coming Out Project
Shocked about plans by anti-gay Dr. Throckmorton* to blanket the US during National Coming Out Month with a film that proports gays can become straight, Wayne Besen approached Tom Murray, Shawn O'Donnell and me to see if we can organize a counter-action.Every October 11th, thousands of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people and allies celebrate National Coming Out Day. They hold workshops, speak-outs, rallies and other kinds of events where they dispel myths about same-gender loving people and sexual minorities and affirm the coming out experience.Read more at National Coming Out Project
In an affront to the positive spirit of this event, the anti-gay group, Truth Comes Out Project, recently announced plans to screen their film during this same time period as a counter move to the Coming Out event.
And spread the word!
*Throckmorton, the perfect name for an anti-gay nemisis. Sounds retro 50's with a sexually nuanced twist
I bought a DVD of Fish Can't Fly at NEYM, but of course, still have yet to watch it.
Hey Peterson,
The director of the Phila GLB Community Center even happens to be Quaker, so maybe I'll be able to arrange something.
Of course, I'm thinking you need to return here to do your show, maybe at Penn, Bryn Mawr, Swarthmore, Harverford, or some of the zillions of other U's in the area.
Maybe I need to be making some phone calls! :-)
Tom, you know I enjoy Philly, so bring it on. This past year I performed at Haverford and Swarthmore and had a great response.
Then when I come back to Philly we can HANG out!
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